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Reperio Health Wins Big in 2023, with 500%+ YoY Company Growth Plus Innovative Product Updates to Support Equitable Access to Biometric Health Screenings

Reperio Health

PORTLAND, Ore. (December 12, 2023) — Reperio Health, the only provider of at-home and onsite comprehensive health screenings with instant results, announced today that the company has exceeded its year-over-year growth by over 500% — a massive win for the Portland-based digital health startup given the tough year faced by the healthcare industry-at-large in 2023. 

In addition to company growth, Reperio ends the year with more than two dozen new clients that represent over 40,000 contracted screenings, plus major investments in innovative product updates to improve access to biometric health screenings data. 

Some company highlights for the year include: 

Other big company wins include Reperio’s recognition as a Rising Star winner for the Employer Subsidized Wellness category at the Digital Health Hub Foundation Awards, the hiring of seasoned healthcare executive Naomi Levinthal as the company’s first Chief Growth Officer, a mention as a Top 10 Medical Device Startup by GreyB, and a partnership with Employee Benefits News on a successful webinar on biometric screenings for the modern workforce. 

Said Travis Rush, CEO and co-founder of Reperio, “We are more focused than ever on the opportunity to improve the health of communities by giving them access to their biometric health data. We continue our commitment to modernize the costly and inaccessible screening processes deployed today and will invest in whatever we can do to support preventive and equitable care that helps close gaps and improve population health for all our clients and the communities they serve.” 

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